
The chemical composition of the diamond and the causes

Diamond is one of many married women must have a baby in mind, this is actually a diamond diamond. This diamond and diamond saw we say what does it matter? A senior quality natural diamond, a diamond for industrial use, poor quality, it may be artificial, but one thing wood band saw blades  is the same: their hardness. Diamond is one of the hardest metals, natural form so hard, but why such a beautiful stone?
First, the chemical composition of the diamond
To understand the formation of the first to know his diamond chemical composition. The chemical composition of the diamond is carbon, which is the only single-element in the gem. Is isometric crystal system. Crystal form mostly octahedron, rhombic dodecahedron, tetrahedron, and their poly shape. Pure colorless diamonds, the mixing of trace elements present different colors. Strong adamantine luster. 2.417 refractive index, dispersion medium, 0.044. Homogeneous body. Thermal conductivity of 0.35 cal / cm? Sec? Degrees. Thermal conductivity meter test, the reaction is most sensitive. Hardness of 10, is the hardest known mineral, quartz absolute hardness is 1000 times, 150 times corundum, fear, hit after hit will be broken along its cleavage. A cleavage completely. Density 3.52 g / cc. Diamond has a luminous, the  Plate Compactor sunlight, the night can emit phosphorescent light cyan. X-ray irradiation, emit blue fluorescence. Diamond is chemically stable at room temperature is not easy to dissolve in acid and alkaline, acid does not produce its effect.
Diamonds and similar gems, synthetic diamond distinction. The gemstone market common substitutes or fake colorless stones, colorless spinel, cubic zirconia, strontium titanate, yttrium aluminum garnet, yttrium gallium garnet, synthetic rutile. Synthetic diamond was first developed in 1955 by the Japanese success, but mass production. Because synthetic diamonds than the high cost of natural diamonds, synthetic diamonds on the market so rare. Diamond its unique hardness, density, and dispersion, the refractive index difference may be similar thereto gems. Such as: Fangzuan cubic zirconia and more colorless, strong dispersion (0.060), strong luster, density, 5.8 g / cc, weigh heavy hand feel obvious. Yttrium aluminum garnet dispersion soft, it is difficult to visually distinguish the diamond.
It has become the people who can stone polishing pads  own, wear mass gems. Diamond's culture and long history, more people today see it as a symbol of love and loyalty.
Second, the causes
These components together is how to become a diamond it? Modern science and technology, the means to explore the formation of diamond provides new ideas and methods. Diamonds are the hardest in the world, the most simple ingredients gem, which is composed of carbon, and a natural cubic crystal structure.

